Jamil Fiorino-Habib

Researcher and Curator

جميل فيورينو حبيب

باحث ومنسق فنون



Jamil Fiorino-Habib is a lecturer in Media & Culture at the University of Amsterdam, specializing in film studies and media aesthetics. Having recently obtained his rMA in Media Studies from UvA, Jamil's current research projects elaborate on his interests in political subjectivity, identity, and play, incorporating elements of queer theory and critical theory to explore the evolving boundaries of digital media culture. Making use of unique transdisciplinary pedagogies, Jamil's work explores the intersections of pop culture and sub-culture, the hegemonic and the subversive, and the impacts of cultural imperialism in a globalized media landscape. In tandem with his academic research, Jamil also participates in a variety of grassroots community-centred collectives within the Netherlands, where he helps strategize and develop plans in pursuit of radical system change.

.جميل باحث وقيِّم فني وناشط يركز عمله على تقاطعات النظرية النقدية والدراسات الثقافية والظواهر


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