Writing in a Foreign Language w/ Margarita Osipian | 𝓜.𝓐.𝓦 : MET ANDERE WOORDEN : IN OTHER WORDS : بعبارة أخرى


𝓜.𝓐.𝓦 : Met Andere Woorden : IN OTHER WORDS : بعبارة أخرى

*op ieder potje past een dekseltje
A lid for every pot
طنجرة ولقت غطاها

  • M.A.W. (aka In other words, aka بعبارة أخرى is a 3-week program offering a critical supplement to your Dutch language & culture courses 😸. It is intended for artists and cultural workers who want to learn and practice Dutch, and for Dutch speakers who want to learn about the assumptions and traces of other places hidden in our words. The exhibition at W139 with Sadik Kwaish Alfraji is a perfect setting for this. Come join us on 3 Monday evenings to learn and unlearn Dutch together!

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Writing in a Foreign Language
with Margarita Osipian

Monday, 30 May 17:00 — 19:30

Margarita will give a short introduction to her own practice and experience working in the cultural field in the Netherlands as an independent curator and cultural programmer.
Then she will take us on a tour through the exhibition and talk about the works - which are all about how we are shaped by language. We will finish by watching the new animation that Sadik has created for the exhibition.

Margarita Osipian is a Belarusian born, Canadian raised researcher, curator, and cultural organiser living and working in the Netherlands. Engaging with the intersections and frictions between art, design, technology, and language, she organizes collaborative projects both in formal institutions and in more precarious and fleeting spaces. Holding an MA in Media Studies from the University of Amsterdam and an MA in English Literature from the University of Toronto, her research has focused on visual culture, technology, and the carceral state. Margarita is part of The Hmm, a platform for digital culture; a member of the Hackers & Designers collective; and a curator for W139 and Sonic Acts. She has done programming and curated exhibitions for the Salwa Foundation, TodaysArt, Bits of Freedom, Hackers & Designer, the W139, and Mediamatic, amongst others.

W139, Warmoesstraat, 139 Amsterdam

W139 is a presentation and production space for contemporary art. W139 was established in 1979 and in 2019 celebrated forty years of providing artists time and space for free explorations in the heart of Amsterdam.
In dialogue with the collaborating artists and the local communities, the current W139 program marks a renewed positioning of W139 and continues its long history as a supporter of artistic and social resistance, as a platform for dialogue and encounter, as a facilitator, and a collaboration partner for radical imagination and inclusion.
Overall, the program addresses one of the most urgent needs within the cultural spheres and society as a whole: the need for sustained and supported solidarity. Together with artists, makers, designers, researchers, thinkers and activists, the program offers a critical outlook on the repercussions of the dominating neoliberal and capitalist structures. This topic is inspired by the reality of W139 in recent years, particularly after it lost a substantial part of its cultural subsidies. It also responds to and reflects the general atmosphere of the Dutch cultural field with the growing institutional competition over increasingly limited supporting resources.

Questions can be directed to hello@salwa.nl



30 May 2022 at 17:00
to 30 May 2022 at 19:30

Hosts (4)